End of the Year Cosmic Recap 2021 by Rohini Moradi

Astrological Recap for Winter 2021 by Rohini Moradi

Most potent days to channel the Akasha
November: 11/11, 11/12, 11/13, 11/20, 11/23, 11/24, 11/27, 11/28
December: 12/1, 12/2, 12/4, 12/7, 12/10, 12/11, 12/18, 12/25, 12/26

The combination of Venus and Pluto in Capricorn was a potent one, bringing passion to an already eventful month. This should have bode well for people who have been looking for some excitement! These two planets were very close together during revolutionary France's Reign Over Itself time when anything seemed possible.Considering how hard work often goes hand-in-hand with extravagance here on Saturn's domain; will luxury come from persevering through labor instead, though? This might manifest within the collective a sense of restlessness and trying to sneak around to do what we wish. There's a certain air of teenagehood thrill to this transit.

Navigating these energies with care and patience will be crucial in avoiding unnecessary discord as the year ends. On a positive note, these recent transits are also here to break many barriers, especially as soon as Jupiter is out of Saturn's restrictions and boundaries. It has been all of 2021 as the planet transited through Saturn's sign: Aquarius.

Now that Mars is done wreaking havoc with Jupiter, it has changed signs and entered Sagittarius. As the red planet enters the Fire sign, it goes conjunct with the South Node of the Moon. There's a karmic significance to this transit, and all of the power struggles, violence, and anger that Mars can bring gets negated by the South Node, Ketu's firm grasp. However, anything involving the nodes is always a double-edged sword. Having these energies suppressed doesn't mean that they cease to exist. We have to try our best to channel all this fire energy towards positivity and inspiration instead of rage and destruction as a collective.

The Last Saturn and Uranus square of the year reveals the many revolutions (metaphorical or otherwise) in 2021. Barriers continue to be broken, and a general sense of defiance is still in the air. Yet, since Mars is not involved in Saturnian matters anymore, the aggression the red planet brings to the table is being channeled somewhere else. The good news is that without a hothead, this transit allows for strategizing for the future. Aquarius brings mental energy that helps the collective look at the flaws in the ways things are currently running to fix them. With Uranus being in the mix, these solutions may be unorthodox. Still, it points towards innovative ways of building a future.

The Full Moon of the month just happened in Gemini. It was all about duality and reconciling past disagreements. There was a general sense of needing to debate and get the facts straight. The Full Moon drove this quest to go to extreme downloads of information that might have overwhelmed some unprepared to challenge their views. The best way to navigate this Moon is to expect the unexpected and be playful and accepting of whatever comes our way. There may be a sense of needing to pick sides, but the victorious will be those who will be holding the space for dichotomies and paradoxes to be as they are.

The year comes to a close on an excellent note with the long-awaited Jupiter ingress into Pisces. This transit will last for most of 2022, and it will bring positivity to mitigate some of the damage that happened in 2021. We can all get a hint about how this transit will affect us in the year ahead by summer. Jupiter entered Pisces briefly before it went retrograde and went back into Aquarius. You can interpret this as a foreshadowing of some sort. Try to think about how you grew and gathered blessings throughout those months, as those will become much more significant in the year ahead.

Looking for more magical metaphysical experiences in your life? Join us in January for Rohini’s online immersive meditation experience and meet your soul in the akashic realm.

Seeking a deeper experience of the Akasha? Check out Rohini’s full Akashic Records Practitioner Program here. Attend the January workshop to learn more!